Upper Thermal Limits (UTL) experiments on the Antarctic spirorbid Romanchella perrieri
UTLs were used to determine whether whole animal acclimation had occurred in R. perrieri on heated settlement panels in the Antarctic. The panels were placed at 15m depth at two sites (South Cove and North Cove) near Rothera Research Station, Adelaide Island, Antarctic Peninsula (67.06861 S, 68.125 W). Heated and non-heated panels (one each of control, +1, +2) from the South Cove and North Cove sites colonised by R. perrieri were transferred to a 60 L jacketed tank with aerated sea water at the same temperature as the ambient sea water (0 degrees Celsius) and connected to a thermocirculator (Grant Instruments Ltd, Cambridge, UK). The temperature was raised at 1 degree Celsius h-1 with the temperature limit of each animal noted when they no longer responded to tactile stimuli.
Funding was provided by the NERC grant NE/J007501/1.
- Alternate title
- Polar Data Centre (PDC) record GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01158
- Date (Publication)
- 2019-06-17
- Identifier
- http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/dms/metadata.php?id= / GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01158
- Maintenance and update frequency
- unknown Unknown
- Keywords
- NDGO0001
- NERC OAI Harvesting
- GCMD Parameter Valids
- EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Animal Taxonomy > Segmented Worms
- EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Ecological Dynamics > Adaptation
- EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Marine Environment Monitoring
- EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature
- BAS Free-text keywords
- Acclimation
- Antarctic
- Romanchella perrieri
- Spirorbid
- Upper Thermal Limits
- Use limitation
- Data are released under Open Government Licence V3.0: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/.
- Access constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Data are released under Open Government Licence V3.0: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/.
- Metadata language
- EnglishEnglish
- Topic category
- Biota
- Environment
- Begin date
- 2015-01-01
- End date
- 2016-12-31
- Reference system identifier
- OGP / urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
- https://doi.org/10.7490/f1000research.1116538.1
- Hierarchy level
- dataset Dataset
Domain consistency
- Measure identification
- INSPIRE / Conformity_001
Conformance result
- Date
- Explanation
- See the referenced specification
- Pass
- No
- Statement
- No special comments
- File identifier
- Metadata language
- EnglishEnglish
- Hierarchy level
- dataset Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2019-06-17
- Metadata standard name
- NERC profile of ISO19115:2003
- Metadata standard version
- 1.0