High-resolution temperature and precipitation measurements for fire-affected locations in Australia (2019-2020) and Tenerife (2020-2021)
This dataset includes temperature and precipitation depth measurements in 10 min intervals taken in 2 locations and time periods after forest fires: - Madre del Agua (Tenerife, Spain): 17/11/20 to 19/11/2021 - Thompson reservoir (Victoria, Australia): 28/03/19 to 13/01/2020 Data was collected using RainWise Rainew raingauges coupled to Onset HOBO pendant dataloggers (UA-003-64) to monitor environmental parameters related to runoff occurrence. Full details about this dataset can be found at
- Date (Publication)
- 2023-10-12
- Date (Creation)
- 2023-10-12
- Identifier
- doi: / 10.5285/26774f3b-d535-4800-97e4-f2fc7cf9b2da
- Other citation details
- Neris, J., Doerr, S.H., Santin, C., Sanchez-Garcia, C., Sheridan, G.J. (2023). High-resolution temperature and precipitation measurements for fire-affected locations in Australia (2019-2020) and Tenerife (2020-2021). NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre 10.5285/26774f3b-d535-4800-97e4-f2fc7cf9b2da
- Access constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- no limitations
- Use constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Use constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- If you reuse this data, you should cite: Neris, J., Doerr, S.H., Santin, C., Sanchez-Garcia, C., Sheridan, G.J. (2023). High-resolution temperature and precipitation measurements for fire-affected locations in Australia (2019-2020) and Tenerife (2020-2021). NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre https://doi.org/10.5285/26774f3b-d535-4800-97e4-f2fc7cf9b2da
- Spatial representation type
- textTable Text, table
- Distance
- 100 urn:ogc:def:uom:EPSG::9001
- Metadata language
- EnglishEnglish
- Character set
- utf8 UTF8
- Topic category
- Environment
- Begin date
- 2019-03-28
- End date
- 2021-11-19
- Unique resource identifier
- WGS 84
- Distribution format
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Comma-separated values (CSV)
- OnLine resource
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- OnLine resource
Supporting information
Supporting information available to assist in re-use of this dataset
- Hierarchy level
- dataset Dataset
- Other
- dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Statement
- Data was collected using RainWise Rainew raingauges coupled to Onset HOBO pendant dataloggers (UA-003-64). The raingauges were installed at 1.5 m over the ground surface and in open areas to avoid precipitation interception by vegetation. Data was downloaded periodically. No data analysis was conducted at this stage.
- File identifier
- 26774f3b-d535-4800-97e4-f2fc7cf9b2da XML
- Metadata language
- EnglishEnglish
- Character set
- ISO/IEC 8859-1 (also known as Latin 1) 8859 Part 1
- Hierarchy level
- dataset Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- dataset
- Date stamp
- 2024-08-01T07:50:21
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
- 2.3
Point of contact
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
Lancaster Environment Centre, Library Avenue, Bailrigg
Spatial extent
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Associated resources
Not available