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  • The file contain data for local meteorology , soil and cave temperatures and groundwater drip rates measured in sea Michaels and Ragged Staff caves, Gibraltar. Meteorological data were recorded at the RAF Meteorological Office located 3 km away from the cave. The locations of environmental monitoring sites are described in Mattey et al. (2010) The cave monitoring, sampling and analysis program obtained data via continuous logging. Reference. MATTEY, D.P., Fairchild, I.J., Atkinson, T.C., Latin, J.P., Ainsworth, M., Durell, R., 2010. Seasonal microclimate control of calcite fabrics, stable isotopes and trace elements in modern speleothem from St Michaels Cave, Gibraltar, In Tufa and Speleothem pp. 323-344.

  • Monthly sampling of cave drip and lake water from St Michaels Cave and Ragged Staff Cave, Gibraltar.

  • These images were acquired using micro computed tomographic imaging of 7 sandstone plugs taken at various depths in the Sellafield borehole 13B. SF696 (63.8 m), SF697 (76.1 m), SF698 (96.98 m), SF699 (126.27 m), SF700 (144.03 m), SF701 (172.16 m) and SF702 (181.39 m). These samples are further detailed and analysed in the following article:

  • These images were acquired using micro computed tomographic imaging of 4 sandstone plugs taken at various depths in the Glasgow UKGEOS borehole GGC01. GG496 (170.07 m), GG497 (168.66 m), GG498 (73.37 m) and GG499 (135.06 m). These samples are further detailed and analysed in the following article: