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Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory

94 record(s)
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    This dataset comprises 89 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, in March 2009 from 2 sites over 19 and 25 hour tidal cycles, in Welsh and Hilbre Channels of the Dee Estuary. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory as part of the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Dee Experiment.

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    This dataset comprises 88 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, in May 1990 from stations covering the southern North Sea (south of 56N). A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory as part of the North Sea Project.

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    The data set comprises time series measurements from offshore pressure gauges mounted on the sea floor. The data holdings are approximately 250 observation months from 100 sites. The data have mainly been collected in the continental shelf seas around the British Isles. Data records contain date/time, total pressure and, occasionally, temperature. The sampling interval is typically 15 minutes or hourly, over deployment periods ranging from 1 to 6 months. Data were collected mainly by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL), now the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) at Liverpool, and are managed by the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC).

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    This dataset consists of depth-averaged eastward and northward current components. Also present is the sea surface height above sea level. The dataset is a gridded dataset, with grid resolution of 1.85 km. It covers the entire Irish Sea area, with a precise range from -2.7 degrees longitude to -7 degrees longitude and from 51 degrees latitude to 56 degrees latitude. The data are 30 minute averages and cover the period from 01 January 1996 to 01 January 2007. The dataset was generated by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Coastal Ocean Modelling System coupled with the Wave Modelling model (POLCOMS-WAM) as part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) CoFEE project which ran from April 2007 to September 2010. The depth-averaged eastward and northward current components and sea surface height were used as input conditions into a coastal processes and sediment transport model which looked at the response of the north Liverpool coastline to extreme flooding events. The dataset was generated by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (since April 2010, part of the UK National Oceanography Centre). The dataset consists of 264 data files in Climate and Forecast (CF) compliant NetCDF format.

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    This dataset comprises measurements of primary productivity, nutrient, optics and water column structure data (including turbulence information) collected from the Celtic Sea and nearby shelf-edge during 25 July to 14 August 2003 and 15 July to 06 August 2005. Compatible, high-resolution vertical profiles of physical, chemical, and biological parameters were obtained. These were collected by deployments of a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, a Fast Light Yo-yo (FLY) turbulence profiler and SeaSoar profiler sections, thus allowing quantification of vertical fluxes and primary production on tidal and internal wave time scales. During the CTD profiles, water samples were taken and analysed for nutrients, chlorophyll, primary productivity, sediment concentration, coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM), trace metal concentrations, dissolved oxygen and salinity. Optical profiles were also taken during 2005 using two radiometers; a Biospherical Instruments PRR-600 and a Satlantic MicroPro. In addition, acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) moorings were deployed around the Celtic Sea to measure current and temperature profiles. The main aim was to investigate the generation and dissipation of turbulence in the thermocline, and to quantify how the resulting mixing (supplying nutrients and controlling the light experienced by the algae) affects the growth of phytoplankton within the sub-surface chlorophyll maximum. The data were collected by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (now the National Oceanography Centre) and by Bangor University. Data management was provided by the British Oceanographic Data Centre.

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    This dataset comprises 39 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, during December 1997 - January 1998 from stations on the continental shelf and slope off NW Portugal and Spain. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory as part of the Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX) II project.

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    This dataset comprises 94 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, in February 2009 from 2 sites over 25 hour tidal cycles, in Welsh and Hilbre Channels. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory as part of the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Dee Experiment.

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    This dataset comprises 341 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, in June 1990 from stations covering the southern North Sea and English Channel. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory as part of the North Sea Project Blooms/Chemistry Process Study.

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    The programme ‘A thermocline nutrient pump’ dataset comprises hydrographic, biogeochemical, biological and meteorological data. Hydrographic profiles, towed and underway measurements and point sources provided information on free-fall turbulence data, current velocities and acoustic backscatter, water column structure including temperature and salinity, the underwater light field, fluorescence and dissolved oxygen. A comprehensive biogeochemical water sampling programme provided details on nutrients, primary productivity, dissolved organic matter and phytoplankton pigments. Biological samples such as zooplankton were obtained from the water column using nets, and from the sea-bed using grabs. Bathymetry and meteorological parameters were measured across the study area. Data collection was undertaken in the Clyde Estuary, the Irish Sea and St Georges Channel and the Celtic Sea, including the territorial waters of the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The data were collected during the period 02 – 26 June 2010 during RRS Discovery cruise D352. Measurements were taken using a variety of instrumentation, including conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profilers with attached auxiliary sensors, bathymetric echosounders, water bottle samplers, nets, acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs), remote access water samplers, towed undulators, free-fall turbulence profilers, temperature loggers, grabs and ship flow-through and meteorological packages. The project focused on the effects of wind stress at the sea surface, creating inertial oscillations and shear and mixing across the thermocline. The project also aimed to investigate the mixing in the context of supplying nutrients to the sub-surface layer of phytoplankton commonly seen within the shelf seas in summer, and to assess any possible shifts in the phytoplankton ecology as a response to the supply of nutrients.  The programme ‘A thermocline nutrient pump’ was undertaken jointly by the School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales Bangor and the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL), now the National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool (NOCL). CTD and Sea-Soar data from the programme are held at the British Oceanographic Data Centre. Other data have not yet been supplied.

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    This dataset comprises 84 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, in February 2008 from 2 sites over 25 hour tidal cycles, in Welsh and Hilbre Channels of the Dee Estuary. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory as part of the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Dee Experiment.