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Network for Calibration and Validation of EO data (NCAVEO)

48 record(s)
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  • This dataset contains 25m resolution raster formatted data derived from the Centre of Ecology and Hydrology's (CEH) Land Cover Map 2000 (LCM2000) data for the Barton Bendish, Norfolk, UK, NCAVEO calibration/validation (cal/val) test site. The NERC funded Network for Calibration and Validation of EO (NCAVEO) campaign was designed to illustrate and explain the processes involved in cal/val of earth observation data.

  • An atmospheric water vapour profile was recorded using a UV Raman LiDAR located at Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research (CFARR), during the Network for Calibration and Validation of EO data (NCAVEO) 2006 Experiment. The profile was recorded on 16th June 2006, one day before the ‘golden day’. The ground-based Raman LiDAR system at the CFARR transmits a high power Nd:YAG pulse laser beam vertically into the atmosphere at 355 nm wavelength. The LiDAR measures both elastic backscattering and water vapour profiles in the troposphere. Inelastic scattering of the laser radiation by molecules in the atmosphere, termed Raman scattering, is used to determine the atmospheric water vapour and temperature profiles. This dataset contains data for the raw (20s/7.5m) and processed (5min/22.5m) data in separate files. For further information on the parameters used during the data collection and the data's file format please see the dataset's metadata document in linked documentation.

  • A satellite image taken by the LANDSAT 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) on the 12th June 1992 has been resized to the study area of the 2006 Field Campaign of the Network for Calibration and Validation of EO data (NCAVEO) in Chilbolton. The image has been exported as geotiff using bands 4,5, and 3 as RGB. The image (source: MIMAS archive) was registered to the British National Grid using the Image to Map option in ENVI. The warping method adopted was a 2nd degree bilinear resampling and the cell size is 30m x 30m. A image from the Landsat 7 ETM+ has also been resized to the study area (see link to this data's record in linked documentation).

  • This dataset contains level 2 vector formatted data derived from the Centre of Ecology and Hydrology's (CEH) Land Cover Map 2000 (LCM2000) data for the Thorney Island, South Coast of England, UK, NCAVEO calibration/validation (cal/val) test site. The NERC funded Network for Calibration and Validation of EO (NCAVEO) campaign was designed to illustrate and explain the processes involved in cal/val of earth observation data.

  • This dataset includes reflectance spectra of Winter wheat collected from Rickyard field, near Chilbolton, as part of the Network for Calibration and Validation of EO data (NCAVEO) 2006 Field Campaign. The data was collected on the 18th June, using an ASD N4406 instrument. For information on the data's processing please see the metadata PDF in linked documentation. Please note that all raw spectra files collected during the NCAVEO campaign (labelled ***R_ASD0606**.***) have incorrect dates, indicating them to have been collected in July rather than June. The day of month and time (UTC) are correct in all cases. All other files (FSF spreadsheets and Excel/ENVI summary outputs) are also marked with the correct 15-18th June 2006 dates.

  • As part of the Network for Calibration and Validation of Earth Observation data (NCAVEO) 2006 Field Campaign, hyperspectral measurements were collected over the study area of Shrewsbury on 17th June 2006. The measurements were recorded using a Specim Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging Systems (AISA) Eagle sensor on board a Dornier 228 aircraft operated by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF). The Eagle is a 12 bit, pushbroom, hyperspectral sensor. It covers the visible and near infra-red spectrum 400 - 970nm, has a 1000 pixel swath width and a maximum spectral resolution of 2.9nm. This dataset compromises the level 3a data which was collected by the instrument. The data was collected between 10:40 am and 12:01 pm GMT. 8 flightlines of data were acquired: 7 flown in a NW-SE azimuth and one cross-cutting flightline (08), in a SW-NE direction. A link to the record page for the level 1b dataset and CASI-2 data collected during the flight are also available in linked documentation.

  • This dataset consists of the reflectance spectra which was collected on the 16th-17th June 2006 from three artificial targets deployed at the Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research (CFARR), as part of the Network for Calibration and Validation of Earth Observation data (NCAVEO) 2006 Field Experiment. The reflectance data were acquired using an ASD FieldSpec Pro fitted with a contact probe. For further details on each of the data files please see the dataset's metadata document in linked documentation.

  • This dataset compromises chlorophyll data, which was collected using a Special Products Analysis Division (SPAD) 502 chorophyll meter, as part of the Network for Calibration and Validation of EO data 2006 Field Campaign. The estimates of chlorophyll amount were taken for the spring barley crop in Brockley field, near Chilbolton, this having been the only available field without seed heads and subsequently appropriate for measurements to be taken from. The numerical SPAD value is proportional to the amount of chlorophyll within the leaf, but a calibration equation for Spring Barley is required to convert these values into chlorophyll concentration. Each SPAD value in the file is an average of 10 values which were measured within 10 metres of the flag.

  • This dataset contains level 2 vector formatted data derived from the Centre of Ecology and Hydrology's (CEH) Land Cover Map 2000 (LCM2000) data for the Monks Wood, Cambridgeshire, UK, NCAVEO calibration/validation (cal/val) test site. The NERC funded Network for Calibration and Validation of EO (NCAVEO) campaign was designed to illustrate and explain the processes involved in cal/val of earth observation data.

  • As part of the Network for Calibration and Validation of Earth Observation data (NCAVEO) 2006 Field Campaign, hyperspectral measurements were collected over the study area of Shrewsbury on 17th June 2006. The measurements were recorded using a Specim Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging Systems (AISA) Eagle sensor on board a Dornier 228 aircraft operated by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF). The Eagle is a 12 bit, pushbroom, hyperspectral sensor. It covers the visible and near infra-red spectrum 400 - 970nm, has a 1000 pixel swath width and a maximum spectral resolution of 2.9nm. This dataset compromises the level 1b data which was collected by the instrument. The data was collected between 10:40 am and 12:01 pm GMT. 8 flightlines of data were acquired: 7 flown in a NW-SE azimuth and one cross-cutting flightline (08), in a SW-NE direction. A link to the record page for the level 3a dataset and CASI-2 data collected during the flight are also available in linked documentation.