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  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the ERA SkyArrow IBIMET core instruments onboard the ERA SkyArrow-IBIMET aircraft for the BLLATE2 - Boundary Layer Late Afternoon Transition Experiment 2 project (flight reference: skyarrow_iop1_20110615_bllate2). Data were collected over the Lannemezan, France area.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the ERA SkyArrow IBIMET core instruments onboard the ERA SkyArrow-IBIMET aircraft for the BLLATE2 - Boundary Layer Late Afternoon Transition Experiment 2 project (flight reference: skyarrow_iop2_20110619_bllate2). Data were collected over the Lannemezan, France area.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the ERA SkyArrow IBIMET core instruments onboard the ERA SkyArrow-IBIMET aircraft for the BLLATE2 - Boundary Layer Late Afternoon Transition Experiment 2 project (flight reference: skyarrow_iop4_20110624_bllate2). Data were collected over the Lannemezan, France area.

  • In-situ airborne observations by the ERA SkyArrow-IBIMET aircraft for BLLATE2 - Boundary Layer Late Afternoon Transition Experiment 2.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the ERA SkyArrow IBIMET core instruments onboard the ERA SkyArrow-IBIMET aircraft for the BLLATE2 - Boundary Layer Late Afternoon Transition Experiment 2 project (flight reference: skyarrow_iop5_20110625_bllate2). Data were collected over the Lannemezan, France area.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the ERA SkyArrow IBIMET core instruments onboard the ERA SkyArrow-IBIMET aircraft for the BLLATE2 - Boundary Layer Late Afternoon Transition Experiment 2 project (flight reference: skyarrow_iop3_20110620_bllate2). Data were collected over the Lannemezan, France area.

  • European Facility for Airborne Research in Environmental and Geo-sciences 2 (EUFAR 2) is an Integrating Activity of the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission following three previous contracts under FP5, FP6 and FP7, bringing together 24 European institutions and organisations involved in airborne research, operating 18 instrumented aircraft and providing access to 3 hyperspectral instruments. To facilitate wide access and to maximise the potential of the valuable scientific data collected during the EUFAR FP7 projects (2008-2018), data are available through a single archive at BADC. The data itself is stored either in an accessible online archive operated by the aircraft operator (eg NERC-ARSF, FAAM-BAE-146) or lodged in the BADC EUFAR archive. Data include measurements by airborne in situ atmospheric instuments and hyperspectral instruments operated on board the aircraft of the EUFAR fleet during projects funded under the transnational access part of EUFAR and during training events. The data available will vary from aircraft to aircraft depending on the instruments on board and the aims and flight patterns for each project. During the first FP7 project (EUFAR 2008-2013) thirteen aircraft and one additional instrument (APEX) were involved in 43 projects including a collaboration of data from volcanic ash flights following the eruption of the Icelandic volcano, Eyjafjallajokull, in April 2010. These projects are A-NEW, ACEMED, ADDRESSS, AEGEAN-GAME, AIMWETLAB, AIRES-CZM, ALISA, ARMSRACE, BIOHYPE, BLLATE1, BLLATE2, DeInVader, DeMinTIR, DRAMAC, EDOCROS, Eyjafjallajokull, GEOMAD, HABlakes, HYMEDECOS-Erosion, HyMedEcos-Gradients, HyMountEcos, HYMOWEB, HyperForest, HYPERSTRESS, i-WAKE2, ICARE-QAD, ICELAND_DEBRISFLOWS, IMROM, LADUNEX, MORE, RAIN4DUST, REFLEX, SEDMEDHY, SONATA, SRMGlaciers, SVALBD_PGLACIAL2, T-MAPP-FP7, TETRAD, UR-TIR, ValCalHyp, VESSAER, WaLiTemp. All expected data from these flight have now been archived. EUFAR2 (2014-2018) is collecting data for these projects: AHSPECT, DEHESHYRE, HIDHAZ_N_ICELAND, HILBILLY, HOLUHRAUN_HAZ, HYMOSENS2, HYPPOS, ISOTHERM, MEDHY2CON, SAVEX, SWAMP, URBSENSE. More will be added as they become available.