Imperial College, London
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P-wave and S-wave tomographic models for the Northeast Africa region. They have been calculated using relative travel time tomography. For full details of method and models see the following papers: Civiero, C., Hammond, J. O. S., Goes, S., Fishwick, S., Ahmed, A., Ayele, A., Doubre, C., Goitom, B., Keir, D., Kendall, M., Leroy, S., Ogubzghi, G., Rumpker, G., Stuart, G. W. Multiple mantle upwellings beneath the Northern East-African rift system from relative P-wave traveltime tomography, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., doi:10.1002/2015GC005948 (2015) Civiero, C., Goes, S., Hammond, J. O. S., Fishwick, S., Ahmed, A., Ayele, A., Doubre, C., Goitom, B., Keir, D., Kendall, M., Leroy, S., Ogubzghi, G., Rumpker, G., Stuart, G. W. Small-scale thermal upwellings under the Northern East African rift from S-wave travel-time tomography, J. Geophs. Res. Doi:10.1002/2016JB013070 (2016). The geographical extent of the models is Latitude: 24.7S - 27.0N, Longitude: 25.4E - 57.2E, Depth: 0 - 900 km. See see hitcount files and papers for areas of reasonable resolution.
This dataset contains half-hourly output data (for the year 2011) generated by a preliminary version of the Shrubland Ecosystem Assessment (SEcA) model. SEcA calculates the ecosystem processes for a semi-arid shrubland system, for this dataset the model has been configured for a Caatinga ecosystem. The model generates four output files, those generating the aerodynamic and surface resistances, state variables, energy balance fluxes, and carbon flux-related outputs. The data provided here relate to model runs with the JULES Farquhar model, with the Sinclair plant water stress switched on. This work was funded by Newton/NERC/FAPESP Nordeste project: NE/N012488/1. Full details about this dataset can be found at