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European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

157 record(s)
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  • World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6): Collection of simulations from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ECMWF-IFS-HR model. The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.

  • World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6): Collection of simulations from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ECMWF-IFS-LR model. The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.

  • World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6): Collection of simulations from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ECMWF-IFS-MR model. The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.

  • PRIMAVERA Project data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ECMWF-IFS-HR model output for the "coupled control with fixed 1950's forcing (HighResMIP equivalent of pre-industrial control)" (control-1950) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: Prim6hrPt, PrimOday, PrimOmon, PrimSIday and Primday. The runs included the ensemble member: r1i1p1f1. PRIMAVERA was a European Union Horizon2020 (grant agreement 641727) project.

  • This dataset contains ERA5 initial release (ERA5t) model level analysis parameter data. ERA5t is the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECWMF) ERA5 reanalysis project initial release available upto 5 days behind the present data. CEDA will maintain a 6 month rolling archive of these data with overlap to the verified ERA5 data - see linked datasets on this record. This dataset contains a limited selection of all available variables and have been converted to netCDF from the original GRIB files held on the ECMWF system. They have also been translated onto a regular latitude-longitude grid during the extraction process from the ECMWF holdings. For a fuller set of variables please see the linked Copernicus Data Store (CDS) data tool, linked to from this record. Surface level analysis and forecast data to complement this dataset are also available. Data from a 10 member ensemble, run at lower spatial and temporal resolution, were also produced to provide an uncertainty estimate for the output from the single high resolution (hourly output at 31 km grid spacing) 'HRES' realisation producing data in this dataset.

  • PRIMAVERA Project data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ECMWF-IFS-LR model output for the "coupled control with fixed 1950's forcing (HighResMIP equivalent of pre-industrial control)" (control-1950) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: Prim6hrPt, PrimOday, PrimOmon, PrimSIday and Primday. The runs included the ensemble member: r1i1p1f1. PRIMAVERA was a European Union Horizon2020 (grant agreement 641727) project.

  • The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 6 (CMIP6) data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ECMWF-IFS-HR model output for the "coupled spinup with fixed 1950s forcings from 1950 initial conditions (with ocean at rest) to provide initial condition for control-1950 and hist-1950" (spinup-1950) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: Oday, Omon, SIday and SImon. The runs included the ensemble member: r1i1p1f1. CMIP6 was a global climate model intercomparison project, coordinated by PCMDI (Program For Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison) on behalf of the WCRP and provided input for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The official CMIP6 Citation, and its associated DOI, is provided as an online resource linked to this record.

  • PRIMAVERA Project data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ECMWF-IFS-MR model output for the "coupled spinup with fixed 1950s forcings from 1950 initial conditions (with ocean at rest) to provide initial condition for control-1950 and hist-1950" (spinup-1950) experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: PrimOday, PrimOmon and PrimSIday. The runs included the ensemble member: r1i1p1f1. PRIMAVERA was a European Union Horizon2020 (grant agreement 641727) project.

  • This dataset contains ERA5 model level analysis parameter data. ERA5 is the 5th generation reanalysis project from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECWMF) - see linked documentation for further details. This dataset contains a limited selection of all available variables and have been converted to netCDF from the original GRIB files held on the ECMWF system. They have also been translated onto a regular latitude-longitude grid during the extraction process from the ECMWF holdings. For a fuller set of variables please see the linked Copernicus Data Store (CDS) data tool, linked to from this record. Surface level analysis and forecast data to complement this dataset are also available. Data from a 10 member ensemble, run at lower spatial and temporal resolution, were also produced to provide an uncertainty estimate for the output from the single high resolution (hourly output at 31 km grid spacing) 'HRES' realisation producing data in this dataset. The ERA5 global atmospheric reanalysis of the covers 1979 to 2 months behind the present month. This follows on from the ERA-15, ERA-40 rand ERA-interim re-analysis projects. An initial release of ERA5 data (ERA5t) is made roughly 5 days behind the present date. These will be subsequently reviewed ahead of being released by ECMWF as quality assured data within 3 months. CEDA holds a 6 month rolling copy of the latest ERA5t data. See related datasets linked to from this record. However, for the period 2000-2006 the initial ERA5 release was found to suffer from stratospheric temperature biases and so new runs to address this issue were performed resulting in the ERA5.1 release (see linked datasets). Note, though, that Simmons et al. 2020 (technical memo 859) report that "ERA5.1 is very close to ERA5 in the lower and middle troposphere." but users of data from this period should read the technical memo 859 for further details.

  • ERA-Interim is the latest European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) global atmospheric reanalysis of the period 1979 to August 2019. This follows on from the ERA-15 and ERA-40 re-analysis projects. The dataset includes synoptic monthly mean analysed pressure level data on a reduced N256 Gaussian grid. Data are available at the 00, 06, 12 and 18 UT analysis times.