British Geological Survey (BGS)
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This British Geological Survey (BGS) regional marine sampling survey took place from April to August 1976 in SW Approaches and Northern Scotland on board the MV Sealab. Seabed samples and borehole cores were collected using a drilling system. These data are archived by BGS. Technical details of the survey are contained in BGS Internal Report 76/11 & ????.
Report: Tully, MC. and Sunderland, J. 1970. Cruise Report for MV Surveyor, Barra Head Area. MGU Project 70/05. (IGS Report No 14) Positioning: Decca Hifix Echo Sounding: Kelvin Hughes MS 32 Sonar Systems: Simrad Sonar. Seismic Systems: Sparker System: EG&G sparker system with 263b hydrophone streamer and 254 recorder. Most lines run at either 1kJ or 2kJ. Gravitymeter: Presumed to be LaCoste and Romberg Air Sea gravity meter. Magnetometer: Varian magnetometer. See also IGS report 73/14.
This manned submersible sampling survey undertaken by the British Geological Survey took place in May 1971 in the Irish Sea, North Channel, Sea of The Hebrides and North Minch areas aboard the vessel Vickers Venturer. The purpose was to evaluate the institutes shallow seismic records which show the possibility of low-lying outcrops of bedded strata amongst drift . The manned submersible operated by a pilot and geologist observer was fitted with two stereo cameras, rockdrill and manipulator arm. Thirteen dives were undertaken to obtain geological samples. These data are archived by BGS. The geological results and investigation techniques are contained in BGS (IGS) report 73/2.
Report: Brett, CP. 1982. Operations report on project 82/04, a regional geophysical survey in the northern North Sea. (IGS Report No 130)
This National Oceanography Centre (NOC) marine geophysical and multibeam survey took place in May/June 2011 on board the RRS James Cook. This data is a subset from the survey collected as a MAREMAP initiative at BGS request over BGS borehole BH78/4. Sea floor data bathymetry were collected using EM710 and sub bottom seismic profiling data were gathered using a SBP120. Other data from the survey are held at NOC. Survey details contained in NOC cruise report No. 4. The cruise was related to and supported by the NERC MAREMAP programme, the EC FP7 IP HERMIONE (grant agreement 226354) and the ERC Starting Grant project CODEMAP (ERC Grant 258482). Additional funding to support ROV work was obtained from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and the Lenfest Ocean Program/PEW Foundation. Any published material resulting from these data (Stornoway Bay) must include in the acknowledgements text acknowledging the acquisition cruise, its funding streams and chief scientist (V A I Huvenne).
This geophysical survey is thought to have been carried out by Institute of Geological Sciences now British Geological Survey (BGS) for BGS, the survey took place in June to July 1970 in the Tiree area and south of Mull on board the RV Vickers Venturer. The purpose is thought to have been to collect data as part of the UK regional mapping programme. Beach sample data were collected for the marine geology unit UK regional mapping programme. No BGS survey report currently available however reference to other RV Vickers Venturer surveys undertaken by IGS can be found in IGS reports 71/16 and 73/14.
This British Geological Survey (BGS) regional marine sampling survey (comprised of two legs) took place in August/September 1980 around the Shetland Islands on board the MV Ferder. Twelve seabed boreholes were drilled using Christensen equipment. These data are archived by BGS. Technical details of the survey are contained in BGS Internal Reports 80/13 & 18.
Report: Armstrong, EJ. 1979. Cruise Report for Project 79/14, West Shetland and Project 79/15, Bosies Bank. (IGS Report No 101). Project 79/14 was designed to provide regional geophysical coverage of the Foula sheet, of the IGS 1:250000 map series, on a N-S, E-W grid of lines at approximately 15km by 9 km spacing. A number of gravity lines were also to be run over the Orkney sheet to complete gravity coverage in that area. In addition, some regional geophysical lines were to be surveyed on the Halibut Bank sheet after a study of the FLAGS pipeline route with the Huntec deep tow boomer. The watergun provided superior records to those of the airgun giving resolution comparable to the sparker in fair weather, down to 800ms of sediments. Up to 400ms penetration was achieved by the sparker, while the boomer provided good resolution in the shallow section. In depths less than 300m the transit sonar was used.
This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine sampling survey took place in 1971 in the North Sea on board the MV Surveyor. The purpose was to investigate the geochemistry of the superficial sediments. Seabed samples were collected using a shipek grab. These data are archived by BGS. Technical details of the survey are contained in BGS Internal Report ?????. See geochemistry report WI/AC/85/1.
This sampling survey has been carried out by British Geological Survey (BGS) formerly Institute of Geological Sciences for BGS, the survey took place from August to September 1971 in the Peach/Tiree map sheet areas, on board the MV Surveyor. The purpose was to collect data as part of a regional mapping programme. Sea floor data were collected using Transit sonar. Seabed scintillation probe trials were carried out. Sample data were collected using vibrocorer; gravity corer; rock gravity corer; rock dredge and shipek grab. These data are archived by BGS. Technical details of the survey are contained in IGS report 73/14.