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This dataset contains a map of ground movements covering the Afar Rift Zone in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti for the time period between October 2014 and August 2019. The Afar region is located where three tectonic plates are pulling apart, creating rift segments which are 50-100 km long. Surface deformation on these segments is not constant in time, with episodes of rifting occurring periodically and magma intrusions causing sudden ground movements. We use frequent Sentinel-1 satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) observations to measure surface displacements through time across the whole region. We relate these to ground based Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) observations and combine data from different satellite tracks to produce maps of the average surface velocity in three directions (perpendicular to the rift zone, parallel to the rift zone, and vertical). The continued observation of these time-varying ground movements is important for understanding how continents break up, with data here providing evidence of how tightly focussed extension is around the rift segments and of the subsurface magma movement at several volcanic centres.
This dataset has been produced as part of the Theme 5 (Cryosphere and Polar Oceans) in the National Centre for Earth Observation which aims to use new EO data to quantify changes in the mass balance of the cryosphere and to develop new models to represent the relevant processes in coupled climate prediction models. This dataset holds timeseries of Greenland glacier velocity fluctuations as maps for the period March-July 2011. The 37 velocity maps were derived from SAR data acquired during the 2011 ERS-2 3-day campaign. The velocity maps are 3-day velocity averages and are given in meters per year (m/y) (magnitude values). The name of the velocity files provides the start and end date of each 3-day period. The velocity fields were transformed to map coordinates using the GLAS/ICESat 1 km Laser Altimetry Digital Elevation Model of Greenland which is provided at Polar Stereographic grids (DiMarzio, J., Brenner, A., Schutz, R., Schuman, A. & Zwally, H.J. (2007)): GLAS/ICESat 1 km laser altimetri digital elevation model of Greenland. Boulder, Colorado USA: National Snow and Ice Data Centre. Digital media).
Magnitude and x and y components of surface speed on the Larsen C ice shelf, Antarctica. The datasets are annual means from 2015 to 2022 at a horizontal resolution of 100 m. The data are based on feature tracking of Sentinel 1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data. The velocities were created to support a NERC-funded project investigating ice-shelf rift propagation, by Prof. Adrian Luckman. NERC standard grant NE/T008016/1.
Magnitude and x and y components of surface speed on the Brunt ice shelf, Antarctica. The datasets are annual means from 2015 to 2022 at a horizontal resolution of 100 m. The data are based on feature tracking of Sentinel 1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data. The velocities were created to support a NERC-funded project investigating ice-shelf rift propagation, by Prof. Adrian Luckman. NERC standard grant NE/T008016/1.
This dataset includes ice velocity and ice front position data presented in the published paper by Miles et al. (2021): ''Recent acceleration of Denman Glacier (1972-2017), East Antarctica, driven by grounding line retreat and changes in ice tongue configuration''. The dataset includes ice front position shapefiles of the Denman Ice Tongue from 1962 to 2018, ice velocity data from 1972-74 and 1989, and the coordinates of transect A-AA used in the figure 3 in Miles et al. (2021). This research was funded by NERC standard grant NE/R000824/1.
Velocity and along-flow stress states were modelled for Larsen C ice shelf, before and after the calving of iceberg A68 in July 2017. The archive contains two sets of model outputs: i) flow velocity before and after calving, and the difference between these periods, and ii) along-flow stress before and calving, and the difference between these periods. The models are produced with the BISICLES ice sheet model. Additionally to high-resolution geo-referenced model outputs, a low-resolution image of each is provided for reference. The maps were produced by Dr Stephen Cornford, Swansea University. The data is part of the NERC RACE project, NE/R012334/1.
GPS data recorded from three sites close to the 2023 site of Halley VI Research Station. Data from site LL20 spans 2013 to 2017; Data from site ZZ6A spans 2017 to 2023; Data from site ZMET spans 2022 to 2023. The data are presented as RINEX observation files. The data were collected as part of the Lifetime-of-Halley monitoring programme. This work was funded by NERC grant NE/X014991/1 (RIFT-TIP) and supported by NERC Antarctic Logistics and Infrastructure.
Satellite-derived velocity maps for Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica, between November 2017-April 2019
Velocity maps were derived, for regions of Larsen C ice shelf, from satellite imagery spanning the period November 2017 to April 2019. This period was selected to monitor any change in the velocity field of Larsen C, in the months following the calving of iceberg A68 from the front of the ice shelf. The archive contains two sets of maps. The first are derived from Sentinel-1 satellite data, and span the complete ice shelf for the full 18-month epoch. The second are derived from TerraSAR-X data, and show high-resolution velocity trends between 2017 and 2018, covering the frontal region of Larsen C ice shelf. The maps were produced by Professor Adrian Luckman, Swansea University. The data is part of the NERC RACE project, NE/R012334/1.