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QUEST projects both used and produced an immense variety of global data sets that needed to be shared efficiently between the project teams. These global synthesis data sets are also a key part of QUEST's legacy, providing a powerful way of communicating the results of QUEST among and beyond the UK Earth System research community. This dataset contains global Population Distribution (1990), Terrestrial Area and Country Name Information on a One by One Degree Grid Cell Basis.
This dataset contains Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) concentrations taken from a large, population-scale study, which was conducted for a total of 19 weeks during the winter and summer of 2019. VOC concentration data were collected for 39 VOC species across 60 houses in Ashford, United Kingdom. Samples were collected in evacuated stainless-steel canisters over 72 hours using restricted flow inlets. A number of houses were randomly selected to also collect an outdoor sample. Each household, per campaign, was associated with at least three canister IDs and some with an additional outdoor sample. This dataset contains information on all VOCs collected, listing in which season each sample was taken, the associated canister ID and the analytical instrument with which each VOC was measured. Household, demographic, and product use information is available, as is a logbook outlining further sample information.
Cetacean sightings in South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands waters, made by a team of four professional marine mammal observers during the British Antarctic Survey CCAMLR synoptic krill survey on the RRS Discovery (DY098), January and February 2019. The latitude and longitude of each sighting, the identified species, bearing and distance from the vessel, and estimated group size are provided. These data have been used by BAS to estimate (i) humpback whale and (ii) baleen whale abundance in South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands waters in 2019. Funding was provided by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, as part of the Overseas Territories Blue Belt programme, as well as the South Georgia Heritage Trust, Friends of South Georgia Island and Darwin PLUS award DPLUS057.