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Whistler mode chorus is an important magnetospheric emission, playing fundamental roles in the dynamics of the Earth''s outer radiation belt and the production of the Earth''s diffuse and pulsating aurora. In this study we extend our existing database of whistler mode chorus by including ~3 years of data from RBSP-A and RBSP-B and an additional ~6 years of data from THEMIS A, D, and E, greatly improving the statistics and coverage in the near-equatorial region (|MLAT|<18^o). We produce new global maps of whistler mode chorus as a function of spatial location and frequency. This work is reported in Meredith et al. [2020] and the data provided here enable reconstruction of all of the figures in the paper. The research leading to these results has received funding from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Highlight Topic grant NE/P01738X/1 (Rad-Sat) and the NERC grant NE/R016038/1. Wen Li and Xiao-Chen Shen received funding from NASA grants NNX17AG07G and 80NSSC19K0845, NSF grant AGS-1847818, and the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship FG-2018-10936. Jacob Bortnik received funding from NASA grants NNX14AI18G, and RBSP-ECT and EMFISIS funding provided by JHU/APL contracts 967399 and 921647 under NASA''s prime contract NAS5-01072.
Radiation belts are hazardous regions found around several of the planets in our Solar System. They consist of very hot, electrically charged particles that are trapped in the magnetic field of the planet. At Saturn the most important way to heat these particles has for many years been thought to involve the particles drifting closer towards the planet. This paper builds on previous work on the emerging idea at Saturn that a different way to heat the particles is also possible where the heating is done by waves, in a similar way to what we find at the Earth. This work is reported in the paper "Acceleration of electrons by whistler-mode hiss waves at Saturn" by E.E. Woodfield et al., 2021. The data provided here enable reconstruction of all the figures in the paper. E.E.W., R.B.H., and S.A.G. were funded by STFC grant ST/S000496/1. R.B.H., S.A.G. and A.J.K. were funded by NERC grant NE/R016038/1 and R.B.H. and S.A.G. by NERC grant NE/R016445/1. J.D.M. and Y.Y.S. were supported by NASA grants NNX11AM36G and NNX16AI47G. University of Iowa (J.D.M.) was supported by NASA contract 1415150 with JPL. Y.Y.S. was supported by EC grant H2020 637302.
We use data from eight satellites to statistically examine the role of chorus as a potential source of plasmaspheric hiss. We find that the strong equatorial (|&#955;m| < 6&#176;) chorus wave power in the frequency range 50 < f < 200 Hz does not extend to high latitudes in any MLT sector and is unlikely to be the source of the low frequency plasmaspheric hiss in this frequency range. In contrast, strong equatorial chorus wave power in the medium frequency range 200 < f < 2000 Hz is observed to extend to high latitudes and low altitudes in the pre-noon sector, consistent with ray tracing modelling from a chorus source and supporting the chorus to hiss generation mechanism. At higher frequencies, chorus may contribute to the weak plasmaspheric hiss seen on the dayside in the frequency range 2000 < f < 3000 Hz band, but is not responsible for the weak plasmaspheric hiss on the night-side in the frequency range 3000 < f < 4000 Hz. The research leading to these results has received funding from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Highlight Topic grant NE/P01738X/1 (Rad-Sat) and the NERC grants NE/V00249X/1 (Sat-Risk) and NE/R016038/1. Jacob Bortnik received funding from NASA grant NNX14AI18G, and RBSP-ECT and EMFISIS funding provided by JHU/APL contracts 967399 and 921647 under NASA''s prime contract NAS5-01072. Wen Li and Xiao-Chen Shen received funding from NASA grants 80NSSC20K0698 and 80NSSC19K0845, NSF grant AGS-1847818, and the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship FG-2018-10936.
Signals from manmade VLF transmitters, used for communications with submarines, can leak into space and contribute to the dynamics of energetic electrons in the inner radiation belt and slot region. We use ~5 years of plasma wave data from the Van Allen Probe A satellite to construct new models of the observed wave power from VLF transmitters both as a function of L* and MLT and geographic location. This work is reported in Meredith et al. (2019) and the data provided here enable reconstruction of all of the figures in the paper.
Radiation belts are hazardous regions found around several of the planets in our Solar System. They consist of very hot, electrically charged particles that are trapped in the magnetic field of the planet. At Saturn the most important way to heat these particles has for many years been thought to involve the particles drifting closer towards the planet. This paper adds to the emerging idea at Saturn that a different way to heat the particles is also possible where the heating is done by waves, in a similar way to what we find at the Earth. This work is reported in the paper "Rapid electron acceleration in low density regions of Saturn''s radiation belt by whistler mode chorus waves" by E.E. Woodfield et al., 2019. The data provided here enable reconstruction of all the figures in the paper. The research leading to these results has received funding from: Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), UK, grants NE/R016038/1 and NE/R016445/1 Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), UK, grants ST/I001727/1 and ST/M00130X/1. NASA grants NNX11AM36G and NNX16AI47G. The research at the University of Iowa was supported by NASA through Contract 1415150 with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. European Council (EC) grant H2020 637302.
Signals from VLF transmitters can leak from the Earth-ionosphere wave guide into the inner magnetosphere, where they propagate in the whistler mode and contribute to electron dynamics in the inner radiation belt and slot region. Observations show that the waves from each VLF transmitter are highly localised, peaking on the nightside in the vicinity of the transmitter. In this study we use ~5 years of Van Allen probe observations to construct global statistical models of the bounce-averaged pitch angle diffusion coefficients for each individual VLF transmitter, as a function of L*, Magnetic Local Time (MLT) and geographic longitude. We construct a 1D pitch-angle diffusion model with implicit longitude and MLT dependence to show that VLF transmitter waves weakly scatter electrons into the drift loss cone. We find that global averages of the wave power, determined by averaging the wave power over MLT and longitude, capture the long-term dynamics of the loss process, despite the highly localised nature of the waves in space. We use our new model to assess the role of VLF transmitters waves, hiss waves, and Coulomb collisions on electron loss in the inner radiation belt and slot region. At moderate relativistic energies, E~ keV, waves from VLF transmitters reduce electron lifetimes by an order of magnitude or more, down to the order of 200 days near the outer edge of the inner radiation belt. However, VLF transmitter waves are ineffective at removing multi-MeV electrons from either the inner radiation belt or slot region. Funding was provided by the NERC grant NE/P01738X/1.