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  • The data are from a study investigating ozone (O3) variability in the polar mesosphere and lower thermosphere and uncertainties / biases in satellite ozone profile measurements. The datasets include 1) processed atmospheric datasets derived from O3 observations by the ground-based Ny Ålesund Ozone in the Mesosphere Instrument (NAOMI), an 11.072 GHz ozone radiometer making atmospheric observations from Ny Ålesund, Spitsbergen since 4 July 2017, 2) processed atmospheric datasets derived from selected O3 observations by the SABER satellite instrument, and 3) ancillary atmospheric datasets used for NAOMI retrievals, derived from model (WACCM-D) and reanalysis (MERRA-2) datasets. Supported in part by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) / Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Technologies Proof-of-Concept grant reference NE/P003478/1 "Satellite TV-based Ozone and OH Observations using Radiometric Measurements (STO3RM)". MOSAIC instrument testing and deployment was supported by the Royal Society Newton Fund reference NI150103 "The Effect of High Energy Particle Precipitation from Space on the Earth''s Atmosphere". Pekka T. Verronen was supported by Academy of Finland project no. 335555 "ICT-Solutions to Understand Variability of Arctic Climate (ICT-SUNVAC)".