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  • The Emissions around the M25 motorway (EM25) campaign took place over the megacity of London in the United Kingdom in June 2009 with the aim of characterising trace gas and aerosol composition and properties entering and emitted from the urban region. It featured two mobile platforms, the UK BAe-146 Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM) research aircraft and a ground-based mobile lidar van, both travelling in circuits around London, roughly following the path of the M25 motorway circling the city. This dataset collection contains atmospheric airborne and insitu measurements.

  • Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III) was an instrument on board a Meteor-3M spacecraft, launched on December 10, 2001. Routine measurement operations began in March 2002 until the SAGE III mission was terminated in March 2006. The specific measurement objectives of SAGE III provide 1 km vertical resolution profiles of: aerosols and clouds at seven wavelengths from the mid-troposphere into the stratosphere and where appropriate, the mesosphere; O3 from the mid-troposphere to 85 km; H2O from the planetary boundary layer to 50 km; NO2 from the tropopause to 45 km; NO3 from 20 to 55 km; OClO from 15 to 25 km; and, O2 from the mid-troposphere to 70 km. This dataset contains level 2 version 3 cloud product data.

  • Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III) was an instrument on board a Meteor-3M spacecraft, launched on December 10, 2001. Routine measurement operations began in March 2002 until the SAGE III mission was terminated in March 2006. The specific measurement objectives of SAGE III provide 1 km vertical resolution profiles of: aerosols and clouds at seven wavelengths from the mid-troposphere into the stratosphere and where appropriate, the mesosphere; O3 from the mid-troposphere to 85 km; H2O from the planetary boundary layer to 50 km; NO2 from the tropopause to 45 km; NO3 from 20 to 55 km; OClO from 15 to 25 km; and, O2 from the mid-troposphere to 70 km. This dataset contains level 2 version 3 cloud product data.

  • ACID-PRUF was a three year NERC directed programme that investigated the complex interaction of aerosols and clouds. The overall aims of ACID-PRUF were to reduce the uncertainty in the radiative forcing associated with the aerosol indirect effects though a targeted laboratory and modelling programme. This dataset collection contains measurements of freezing fraction of water solution droplets-solute and suspended matter during the immersion freezing of pollen extracts (birch pollen, Betula fontinalis occidentalis, Sigma-Aldrich, P6895-1G), with a new cold electrodynamic balance (CEDB).

  • The UK SOLAS Reactive halogens in the marine boundary layer (RHaMBLe) campaign aimed at quantifying marine halogen cycling and investigating its spatial variability. The aim was also to determine the effects of marine halogen cycling on atmospheric oxidative chemistry. Fieldwork has provided observations at the SOLAS Cape Verde Observatory in May 2007. Measurements included trace molecules and radicals, aerosol characteristics and distribution (Leeds FAGE, filter packs, mist chambers).

  • The UK SOLAS Reactive halogens in the marine boundary layer (RHaMBLe) campaign aimed at quantifying marine halogen cycling and investigating its spatial variability. The aim was also to determine the effects of marine halogen cycling on atmospheric oxidative chemistry. Coastal observations were made during the summer of 2006 at Roscoff Bay,Brittany, France. Measurements included trace molecules and radicals, aerosol characteristics and distribution. The coastal component of RHaMBle, carried out in Roscoff bay provided direct observational linkage between new particle formation and reactive halogens, resulting in the development of a new parameterisation for use in large-scale models.

  • ACID-PRUF was a three year NERC directed programme that investigated the complex interaction of aerosols and clouds. The overall aims of ACID-PRUF were to reduce the uncertainty in the radiative forcing associated with the aerosol indirect effects though a targeted laboratory and modelling programme. This dataset collection contains measurements of freezing fraction of water solution droplets-solute and suspended matter during the immersion freezing of pollen extracts (birch pollen, Betula fontinalis occidentalis, Sigma-Aldrich, P6895-1G), with a new cold electrodynamic balance (CEDB).

  • This dataset collection contains global profiles of aerosols and clouds, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and water vapour from the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III) instrument on board a Meteor-3M spacecraft, launched on December 10, 2001. Routine measurement operations began in March 2002 until the SAGE III mission was terminated in March 2006. The specific measurement objectives of SAGE III provided 1 km vertical resolution profiles of: aerosols and clouds at seven wavelengths from the mid-troposphere into the stratosphere and, where appropriate, the mesosphere; O3 from the mid-troposphere to 85 km; H2O from the planetary boundary layer to 50 km; NO2 from the tropopause to 45 km; NO3 from 20 to 55 km; OClO from 15 to 25 km; and, O2 from the mid-troposphere to 70 km.

  • The UK SOLAS Dust Outflow and Deposition to the Ocean (DODO) project aimed at quantifying the chemical and microphysical properties of Saharan dust in the tropical Atlantic region. Case studies were conducted using in situ measurements made by the FAAM BAe-146 aircraft to predict dust deposition to the northern hemisphere Atlantic Ocean. These studies aimed at describing how changing chemical and physical properties in the dust affect its long range transport and also assessed the radiative impact of the dust and its effect on sea surface temperatures in nutrient rich waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The dust sources were fingerprinted using single particle characterisation and by assessing their main composition. The climatological representativeness of the studies will be assessed and used to predict the seasonal footprint of dust deposition to the north Atlantic Ocean. Two aircraft campaigns using the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM) aircraft were conducted: - DODO 1 in association with the DABEX campaign from Dakar in Jan-Feb. 2006 - DODO2 in association with the AMMA campaign from Dakar in Sep-Oct. 2006. Measurements have included Chemical composition, microphysics and optical properties of aerosols, Radiative fluxes, Trace gas chemistry.

  • The UK SOLAS Chemical and Physical Structure of the Lower Atmosphere of the Tropical Eastern North Atlantic (SLATEA) campaign aimed at investigating the chemical structure of the lowermost atmosphere in remote marine boundary layer regions with high ocean productivity and at quantifying chemical gradients induced at the interfacial region. Fieldwork activities have included participation in the UK SOLAS RHaMBLe cruise (D319), and concurrent aircraft surveys using the NERC Dornier 228 (operated by ARSF) to determine the vertical distribution of reactive trace gases at Cape Verde and near to the RHaMBLe cruise paths. Resulting data have included trace gases such as ozone, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, halocarbons, and volatile organic compounds (microDiracFMW, TEI 49I UV ozone analyser, Aerolaser AL 5002 fast CO analyser onboard Dornier aircraft) and Fine aerosol particles