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This dataset contains the results of a sanitary risk inspection for different groundwater sources in Kisumu, Kenya. A total of 70 groundwater sources were surveyed between February and March 2014. The survey took the form of an observation checklist that identified contamination hazards at well heads and in their immediate surroundings. Data on well depth, electro-conductivity, pH and temperature were also collected. The data were collected as part of the Groundwater2030 project, which aims to reduce the health problems that result from consumption of contaminated groundwater in urban areas of Africa. The project was co-ordinated by the University of Southampton, with partners at the University of Surrey, the Victoria Institute of Research on Environment and Development (VIRED) International, and the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology. The project was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and the Department for International Development as part of the Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor (UPGro) programme. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/bc1a979b-7cc9-4c9d-9fe4-a8510cd62f8e
The data consists of names, types, voltages, constraint status and national grid references for 56,865 electricity substations (33 kV or larger) in Great Britain in 2018. It was compiled from information on individual transmission or distribution network operator websites and interpreted to produce a classification of constraint status (where applicable). The data set was compiled from information on individual transmission or distribution network operator websites. The work was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council Award NE/M019713/1. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/0eed5c99-f409-4329-a98e-47f496bb88a2
This dataset provides numbers and types of plastic particles extracted from sediment samples of three tributaries of the river Thames: the River Leach, the River Lambourn and The Cut. These rivers are regularly monitored for a range of water quality and biological characteristics as part of the ongoing CEH Thames initiative project. Four sampling sites were selected based on the average percentage of effluent present in the river and population equivalent density to represent scenarios ranging from low sewage input and population equivalent density (Leach and Lanbourn) through an intermediate site (the Cut) to a site with high sewage input and population equivalent density (also in the Cut). The samples were collected between late August and early September 2014. The data provides information on the site characteristics, dry weight of sediment analysed (in grams), number of microplastic particles extracted and characteristics of particles (including shape, colour and polymer type). Types of polymers identified include: polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene terephthalate, nylon and polyester. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/93837492-408f-4349-8dcd-ee833e84e47e
This dataset contains the anonymised results of a survey of customers who buy groundwater for consumption in Kisumu, Kenya. Data includes information on the amount of water bought and ways in which this water was used and handled, as well as their use of water from other sources. Data about assets and services, including access to food, are also included. The surveys were carried out during February and March 2014 and include data from 137 well customers. The data were collected as part of the Groundwater2030 project, which aims to reduce the health problems that result from consumption of contaminated groundwater in urban areas of Africa. The project was co-ordinated by the University of Southampton, with partners at the University of Surrey, the Victoria Institute of Research on Environment and Development (VIRED) International, and the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology. The project was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and the Department for International Development as part of the Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor (UPGro) programme. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/6f3f1d06-4e6b-435e-a770-af7549993b88
This dataset contains free residual chlorine, turbidity, nitrate, chloride, sulphate, fluoride, phosphate and thermatolerant coliform concentrations in groundwater from a variety of sources within two neighbourhoods of Kisumu, Kenya. A total of 73 groundwater sources were tested between February and March 2014. The data were collected as part of the Groundwater2030 project, which aims to reduce the health problems that result from consumption of contaminated groundwater in urban areas of Africa. The project was co-ordinated by the University of Southampton, with partners at the University of Surrey, the Victoria Institute of Research on Environment and Development (VIRED) International, and the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology. The project was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and the Department for International Development as part of the Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor (UPGro) programme. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/4062e6d9-2e90-4775-87f1-179dea283ef1
The dataset contains the chemical composition of anaerobic digestates derived from source-segregated food waste & agro-waste, with and without biomass ash, after the addition commercial polymer to enhance dewaterability. A preliminary experiment was carried to determine the type of polymer and its optimum dose (WP1A1). Then, polymer was added to digestate and digestate/ash blends, let react for short-time and physically separated into their fiber and liquid fractions (WP1A2). These experiments were carried out in the laboratory during 2016, being measured via a combination of internal and external laboratories. Preliminary experiment (WP1A1) contains data on polymer type, dose and mass added as well as supernatant and solids separated. Main experiment contain data on masses (dry & total solids), supernatant volume, pH and plant macro-nutrients profile (total concentration of Ca, Mg, P, K, TKN and S). Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/2977fc7b-f83e-4696-b06b-2f589ffa6965
The data consist of species level descriptions of macroinvertebrate communities from two abstracted streams in the Lowther catchment, UK, upstream and downstream of abstraction points. Supporting habitat and geographical data are included. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/df65085c-d376-413e-9fbc-984f7b332878
This datasets contains the anonymised results of a survey of well owners in Kisumu, Kenya. Data includes information on the amount of water abstracted daily from the well and ways in which this water was used and handled, information on other sources of water (e.g. piped utility water and rainwater) and how this is used, and the assets and services that the well owner has access to. Answers from questions to assess food poverty are also included. The surveys were carried out during February and March 2014 and include data from 51 well owners. The data were collected as part of the Groundwater2030 project, which aims to reduce the health problems that result from consumption of contaminated groundwater in urban areas of Africa. The project was co-ordinated by the University of Southampton, with partners at the University of Surrey, the Victoria Institute of Research on Environment and Development (VIRED) International, and the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology. The project was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and the Department for International Development as part of the Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor (UPGro) programme. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/4ca855a3-752c-4492-8e26-3438652dd35c
This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA5) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). A review of the coastal distribution and abundance of swans and geese in the SEA 5 area, including migration routes, key feeding areas and roosting areas was carried out. A review of the potential impacts of offshore wind farms on swans and geese was also conducted. The study area was defined as the east coast of Scotland from the English border north to John O' Groats, including Orkney and Shetland, and the offshore waters in the SEA 5 area. The review considered nine species: mute swan, Bewick's swan, whooper swan, bean goose, pinkfooted goose, white-fronted goose, greylag goose, barnacle goose and brent goose. Offshore wind farms may impact birds directly by mortality from collisions or indirectly by displacement from migratory flyways or local flight paths. At present there are very little data on the effects of offshore wind farms on swans and geese. Of the nine species reviewed, five species, whooper swan, mute swan, pink-footed goose, greylag goose and barnacle goose occur in internationally important numbers at coastal sites in the SEA5 area. Greenland white-fronted goose occur in nationally important numbers.
This document is intended to provide an introduction for non-specialists to the key activities and potential sources of environmental effects associated with oil and gas exploration and production. It forms part of the information base for the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA2) process in the North Sea.