
Two-dimensional seismic reflection

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  • This marine geophysical survey took place in August 2000 on board the RV Hakon Mosby on the AFEN slide, Shetlands margin area. This was a joint contribution of the University of Bergen and the British Geological Survey to the EU COSTA (Continental Slope Stability) project. The main objective of the COSTA project is the assessment of continental slope stability along the European Continental Margin with respect to natural processes and human activity. Subsurface seismic data was collected using BGS Deep-tow boomer and Halliburton sleeve gun system. Technical details of the survey are contained in University of Bergen report 100-02/00 (BGS2000/074).

  • This geophysical and sampling survey has been undertaken by University College of North Wales (UCNW) for Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the survey took place in June 1993 in The Wash on board the MV Petroswift. The purpose was to collect data as part of the NERC Land-Ocean Interaction Study (LOIS). British Geological Survey were a participant in the study. Sea floor data were collected using echo sounder. Sub-bottom profiling data were collected using surface tow boomer. Sample data were collected using mini Van Veen Grab Sampler. Navigation positioning Trisponder system. These data are archived by UCNW. Survey details are contained in University College of North Wales report “Geophysical studies in the Humber and Tees Estuaries and the Fenland/Wash area by A. M. Davies, J. D. Bennel, J. Butcher, C. Hartfall, I. Richarson and B. Williams”. NERC contract F60/G12/15.

  • This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical and multibeam survey took place in March 2005 in the area underneath and around the Forth bridges on board Fathoms Ltd's Multi Purpose Vessel Teal. The purpose was to obtain complete bathymetric coverage of the area between the Forth bridges, except where it was too shallow for safe operations. Multibeam bathymetry data were collected using a Reson Seabat 8125 run by Fathoms Ltd and the processed output supplied to BGS. Sub bottom seismic profiling data were gathered by BGS using a surface tow boomer. A magnetometer was also used. Most of the data were recorded digitally, but paper records were generated also. These data are archived by BGS. Technical details of the Multibeam survey are contained in Fathoms Report c104281 (nonBGS report 2007/3).

  • This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical and sampling survey took place in January 1973 in the Firth of Forth on board the Minto. Seabed samples were collected using Shipek grab and Gravity corer. Subsurface data were gathered trialling Pinger and Sparker instruments. These data are archived by BGS.

  • This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine multibeam, geophysical and sampling survey took place in April/May 2013 onboard the RRS James Cook. Data was collected from the North-Western Approaches area, incorporating the Sea of the Hebrides, Malin Sea and North Channel region, and extending landwards into sea lochs, including Loch Linnhe and Loch Scavaig. Sea-bed samples were collected using 15m rock drill, vibrocorer and piston corer. Sub-bottom seismic profiling data were gathered using the SBP120 installed in the RRS James Cook. MSCL data was measured by the University of Leicester. Most of the acoustic data were recorded digitally, but paper records were generated also. In additional to the initial work plan, a multibeam bathymetry dataset was acquired from the Sound of Kilbrannan. All the samples are archived by BGS except six piston core working halves were taken by Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) for further study. Technical details of the survey are contained in the BGS Report of Survey.

  • This marine multibeam and geophysical survey took place from 09/02/2015 – 18/02/2015 in the northern area of Loch Long on board the RV White Ribbon. The survey was carried out by the British Geological Survey (BGS). The aim of the survey was to look at areas of sedimentation and submarine slides. Sea floor bathymetry data were collected using a Kongsberg EM3002D multibeam system. Sub bottom seismic profiling data were collected using an Surface Tow Boomer. These data are archived by BGS. Technical details of the survey are contained in the BGS Report of Survey.

  • This marine multi-channel geophysical survey commissioned by the British Geological Survey (BGS), acquired and processed by Seiscom Delta Ltd took place 2nd Februdary to 5th March 1973 in the SW Approaches aboard m.v. Carible Tide. Navigation: Satnav. Sub surface data were gathered using Deltapulse sleeve exploders, 1529km were covered by 9 lines. These data are archived by BGS. Technical details of the survey are contained in an Acquisition Report.

  • This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical and multibeam and survey took place in June/July 2012 in the area of Loch Broom and Gruinard Bay on board the RV White Ribbon. Sea floor bathymetry data were collected using a Kongsberg EM3002D multibeam system. Sub bottom seismic profiling data were collected using an Applied Acoustics surface tow boomer (STB). These data are archived by BGS.

  • This marine geophysical survey took place in February/March 2012 in the area of North coast Scotland and Orkney on board the FRV Alba Na Mara. The survey was carried out by the British Geological Survey (BGS) on behalf of Marine Scotland. Sub bottom seismic profiling data were collected using an Applied Acoustics surface tow boomer (STB). These data are archived by BGS and are also available on Marine Scotland Interactive (MSI) - Technical details of the survey are contained in the Report of Survey.

  • During the period 31 January 1977 to 15th February 1977 approximately 490km of subsurface data in UK blocks 97 and 98 (Bournemouth Bay) were acquired for The Institute of Geological Sciences (BGS) by S & A Geophysical Ltd and subsequently processed by them at their Swanley, England processing centre. survey vessel: M/V Oil Hunter.