Trace analysis
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Major and trace elemental analysis of sulphide samples from the Beebe Vent Field. Geographical area - Beebe Vent Field, Cayman Trough, 18°32.798N,81°43.092W
Major and trace elements data for whole rock and clinopyroxene; major elements data for glassy groundmasses; BSE (back-scattered electron) images of clinopyroxene; Fe-Mg elemental diffusion timescales of clinopyroxene; LA-ICP-MS chemical maps of clinopyroxene.
The dataset consists of a spreadsheet containing whole rock geochemistry (Major and trace elements, Hf isotopes) from 7 samples and zircon U-Pb, O, Hf isotope and trace elements compositions (>200 spots on zircons from 7 samples) analysed by Ion Microprobe (NERC EIMF) and MC-LA-ICP-MS (NIGL). The samples are Eoarchaean amphibolite-facies mafic gneisses and a pegmatite as well as granulite-facies mafic gneiss and migmatite (melano- and leucosome) from the Kapuskasing uplift in Ontario, Canada.
Stable Isotope and trace element analyses (Ca, Sr, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations) derived from Cretaceous Belemnites including Duvalia tornajoensis, D. cf. lata constricta, D. binervia, D. cf. emericii, Hibolithes, H. cf. jaculoides, Berriasibelus, Castellanibelus and Pseudobelus.
Major and trace element data for partial melts derived from high pressure-temperature experiments on a basaltic starting composition from the Ontong Java Oceanic Plateau.
This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the locations of over 12,500 rock samples from the land area of the United Kingdom gathered as part of the Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP). The Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP), funded by the DTI, carried out baseline mineral exploration in Great Britain between 1972 and 1997. The programme has been subsumed into the new BGS Minerals Programme, also funded by the DTI. The rock samples have been analysed for a variety of major and trace elements, mainly by XRF.