South Georgia
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Microscopy data on the percentages of liverwort stem length colonised by (i) stained hyphal coils, (ii) stained septate hyphae and (iii) dark septate hyphae, and (iv) percentages of rhizoids colonised by hyphae, in 16 leafy liverwort species sampled from sub-Antarctic South Georgia. Specimens were collected in 2011 and 2016 from 12 sites on the Thatcher Peninsula, South Georgia. The specimens have been deposited in the British Antarctic Survey herbarium. This project was funded by NERC under the British Antarctic Survey Long Term Monitoring programme.
Acoustic backscatter data were collected on board the RRS James Clark Ross during cruise JR19001 on 10/12/2019 in Stromness Harbour and South Georgia. Data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echosounder at 38, 70, 120 and 200 kHz. The EK60 was calibrated on 09/12/2019 in Stromness Harbour, South Georgia. More information about the calibration can be found in the Cruise Report for JR19001. This work was carried in the frame of the Polar Ocean Ecosystem TimeSeries - Western Core Box (POETS-WCB) project.
The weights of fledging Gentoo penguin chicks at Maiviken have been monitored since 2010. The colony at Maiviken, can have over 1000 breeding pairs. Each year, just before their departure from the colony, a sample of 50 fledgling birds are weighed as part of a long-term monitoring programme. These data are submitted to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) as part of their Ecosystem Monitoring Programme (CEMP). This work was funded by Natural Environment Research Council (UK) core funding to the British Antarctic Survey.
Aerial survey of the Husvik Harbour fur seal colony during the 2021/22 season conducted using a RPAS (remotely piloted aerial system). The aerial survey was conducted as part of the Darwin Plus (DPLUS) 109 project: Initiating Monitoring Support for the SGSSI-MPA Research and Monitoring Plan for the purpose of establishing a baseline population estimate of key indicator species around South Georgia. Dataset includes the original images and log files, the original RINEX GNSS (global navigation satellite system) base station files, the post-processed GNSS and imagery data, along with the resulting georeferenced DSM (digital surface model) and an orthorectified mosaic of the imagery. This dataset is from flight number DPLUS_109_15 and was carried out on 22/12/2021. This work was supported by the Overseas Territories Environment and Climate Fund under Grant Darwin Plus ref: DPLUS109: Initiating monitoring support for the SGSSI-MPA Research and Monitoring Plan. Funding for this work was also received from the UK Blue Belt fund through GSGSSI.
Aerial survey of the Rookery Bay gentoo penguin colony during the 2021/22 season conducted using a RPAS (remotely piloted aerial system). The aerial survey was conducted as part of the Darwin Plus (DPLUS) 109 project: Initiating Monitoring Support for the SGSSI-MPA Research and Monitoring Plan for the purpose of establishing a baseline population estimate of key indicator species around South Georgia. Dataset includes the original images and log files, the original RINEX GNSS (global navigation satellite system) base station files, the post-processed GNSS and imagery data, along with the resulting georeferenced DSM (digital surface model) and an orthorectified mosaic of the imagery. This dataset is from flight number DPLUS_109_19 and was carried out on 31/12/2021. This work was supported by the Overseas Territories Environment and Climate Fund under Grant Darwin Plus ref: DPLUS109: Initiating monitoring support for the SGSSI-MPA Research and Monitoring Plan. Funding for this work was also received from the UK Blue Belt fund through GSGSSI.
Aerial survey of the Inner Lee Island, Outer Lee Island and Petrel Island wandering albatross colonies during the 2021/22 season conducted using a RPAS (remotely piloted aerial system). The aerial survey was conducted as part of the Darwin Plus (DPLUS) 109 project: Initiating Monitoring Support for the SGSSI-MPA Research and Monitoring Plan for the purpose of establishing a baseline population estimate of key indicator species around South Georgia. Dataset includes the original images and log files, the original RINEX GNSS (global navigation satellite system) base station files, the post-processed GNSS and imagery data, along with the resulting georeferenced DSM (digital surface model) and an orthorectified mosaic of the imagery. This dataset is from flight number DPLUS_109_25 and was carried out on 04/01/2022. This work was supported by the Overseas Territories Environment and Climate Fund under Grant Darwin Plus ref: DPLUS109: Initiating monitoring support for the SGSSI-MPA Research and Monitoring Plan. Funding for this work was also received from the UK Blue Belt fund through GSGSSI.
Acoustic backscatter data were collected on board the RRS Discovery during cruise DY158 on 05/01/2023 in Stromness Bay, South Georgia. Data were collected using a Simrad EK80 echosounder at 18, 38, 120, 200 and 333 kHz. Funding source: This work was carried out in the frame of WCB-POETS survey cruises, and the methane survey was funded by the Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme (CASS).
This dataset summarises the raw GPS locations obtained by satellite tracking of two southern right whales tagged at South Georgia island on 28th January 2020. One whale, genetically identified as a female, was tracked for 117 days (4,860 tag locations provided) and travelled ~5818km including a short period of time at the ice edge. The second whale, genetically identified as a male, was tracked for 238 days (8,492 tag locations provided) and travelled ~9,885km, including migration through the national waters of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. Funding: EU BEST 2.0 Medium Grant 1594, DARWIN PLUS award DPLUS057 and funding from the South Georgia Heritage Trust and Friends of South Georgia Island.
The data include size, sex, location and morphological measurements and of Muraenolepis specimens included in Fitzcharles et al. (2021). The morphometric data were primarily collected from fish captured during South Georgia Groundfish Surveys in 2003, 2004 and 2005, with additional data obtained from type specimens and extracted from published descriptions of Muraenolepididae. For genetic studies, tissue samples from the South Georgia specimens were supplemented by additional tissue samples from Muraenolepis in other parts of the Southern Ocean. Source, location and depth of capture are included for all specimens that were sequenced, together with sequence Accession Numbers (to the DNA Database of Japan) for Cox 1 and 16S rRNA sequences. The work was primarily funded by the Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands and was a component part of Elaine Fitzcharles'' PhD (University of St Andrews).
Aerial survey of the Gold Harbour gentoo penguin colony during the 2021/22 season conducted using a RPAS (remotely piloted aerial system). The aerial survey was conducted as part of the Darwin Plus (DPLUS) 109 project: Initiating Monitoring Support for the SGSSI-MPA Research and Monitoring Plan for the purpose of establishing a baseline population estimate of key indicator species around South Georgia. Dataset includes the original images and log files, the original RINEX GNSS (global navigation satellite system) base station files, the post-processed GNSS and imagery data, along with the resulting georeferenced DSM (digital surface model) and an orthorectified mosaic of the imagery. This dataset is from flight number DPLUS_109_07 which was carried out on 03/12/2021. This work was supported by the Overseas Territories Environment and Climate Fund under Grant Darwin Plus ref: DPLUS109: Initiating monitoring support for the SGSSI-MPA Research and Monitoring Plan. Funding for this work was also received from the UK Blue Belt fund through GSGSSI.