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  • Field photographs of rock formations or modern precipitates from the sedimentary environment. Samples were collected throughout the UK. This data was collected between February 2019 and November 2019. This data was collected to better understand the low temperature cycling of Telurium (Te) and Sellenium (Se) in the geological environment. For example, a range of ochre samples were included in this data. Ochres are a modern precipitate commonly found in rivers and streams which flow through geographical areas with a history of mining resources which are rich in sulphides. Iron from the sulphides are leached out and deposited downstream, coating river and stream beds, giving a red, yellow or orange colouration. Ochres can be a sink for trace metals such as Te and Se, therefore studying these environments could be informative from a resource perspective but also from an environmental hazard perspective. This data would be useful for researchers who require reference photographs for similar studies or as an aid for resampling.

  • The collection comprises plans of mine workings for ironstone, fireclay, limestone, baryte and metalliferous minerals for Scotland dating from 1872 onwards deposited on abandonment of a mine in compliance with the coal and metalliferous mines regulation acts. The plans are held on behalf of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and total about 610 plans. Indexed in the BGS Plans Database Index. As the collection relates to plans of mines abandoned after the 1872 Act, the holdings are fairly complete after this date. The Metalliferous Mines Act originally applied only to mines employing more than 12 men, (eg. some limestone mines). Where non-coal minerals were worked with coal, the abandonment plans are retained by the Coal Authority. Coal Authority also holds exclusively non-coal mine plans not covered by Mine Abandonment Plan collection. All non-confidential data held by NGRC Edinburgh (National Geological Records Centre). Mainly coalfield areas of Central Scotland with large collection relating to the Leadhills-Wanlockhead mining district.

  • Index to the BGS collection of large scale or large format plans of all types including those relating to mining activity, including abandonment plans and site investigations. The Plans Database Index was set up c.1983 as a digital index to the collections of Land Survey Plans and Plans of Abandoned Mines. There are entries for all registered plans but not all the index fields are complete, as this depends on the nature of the original plan. The index covers the whole of Great Britain.

  • The dataset comprises plans of various types relating to mining activity, including abandonment plans, gathered since the 1800s. Most were collected as part of the BGS mapping programme and the type and amount of data available will vary considerably. The coverage for Northern England and Scotland is more comprehensive than for the rest of the country. The plans include working copies, compilations and interpretations which may be copyright or confidential. The general nature of some of the plans means that they may not be applicable to a specific site. Current holdings over 60,000.