Electron diffraction analysis
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Electron backscatter diffraction was used to quantify grain boundary misorientations in experimental samples doped with deuterium-enriched water. The same samples were subsequently studied with nanoSIMS to look for boundary enrichment of D2O. Grain boundary misorientation data were collected using EBSD to test the possibility of misorientation angle dependence on measured D2O concentrations. No clear misorientation dependence was observed. Folders names include the name of the PDRA who collected the data. Data are images, text files (ctf), and other file formats that can be opened using Oxford Instruments EBSD software. Supporting EDS files are available on request
This data comprises various transmitted and reflected light microscopy images, scanning electron imagery, chemical mapping (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy), and crystallographic mapping (electron backscatter diffraction) of basalt samples. Basalt cores were taken from the Reykjanes Ridge in the North Atlantic Ocean, during IODP Expedition 395C at four sites, U1554, U1555, U1562, and U1563.
Electron backscatter diffraction data for cumulates from the Skaergaard Intrusion of East Greenland. 12 samples from the Skaergaard Intrusion: 9 from the Layered Series, and 3 from the trough layering. Layered Series samples have a prefix LS; Trough layer samples have a prefix TB.