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  • This data compilation contains uranium isotopes (234U/235U/238U) and concentration data on a suite of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial samples for understanding the uranium isotope cycling on Earth. Sample list includes meteorites (ordinary chondrites, eucrites), mantle-derived basalts (Ocean Island Basalts, Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts), arc volcanics, altered oceanic crust (ODP 801), volcanici-clastic sediments, seawater, fossil corals and organic-rich sediments (From the Black Sea and Cariaco Basin).

  • NIGL (NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratories) is a comprehensive stable and radiogenic isotope laboratory facility that undertakes environmental, life, archaeological and earth science research, and educates and trains PhD students, in a collaborative research environment. This dataset contains a complete record of publications and scientific reports involving NIGL staff, dating from the formation of the group in 1987. The published research is not geographically restricted.

  • NIGL (NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratories) is a comprehensive stable and radiogenic isotope laboratory facility that undertakes environmental, life, archaeological and earth science research, and educates and trains PhD students, in a collaborative research environment. This dataset contains project records undertaken by NIGL since its formation in 1987. It includes projects approved by the NERC Isotope Geoscience Facilities Steering Committee, projects with BGS, BAS and other NERC institutes, and commercial work.

  • NIGL (NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratories) is a comprehensive stable and radiogenic isotope laboratory facility that undertakes environmental, life, archaeological and earth science research, and educates and trains PhD students, in a collaborative research environment. This dataset contains a complete listing of projects undertaken by NIGL since its formation in 1987. It includes projects approved by the NERC Isotope Geoscience Facilities Steering Committee, projects with BGS, BAS and other NERC institutes, and commercial work.

  • This service was created as part of the EU (FP7) funded EarthServer project. It provided the public facing WCS component of the Geology Data Service for this project. Other public facing components were available at: Services were discontinued in 2022.