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  • Data recorded during triaxial rock deformation experiments of Westerly granite in the presence of pressurised pore fluids (water). Data consists of mechanical data (load, displacement, confining pressure) and pore pressure data (up- and downstream pore pressure, upstream intensifier volume, four pore pressure transducers mounted on sample) for two experiments, recorded at low and high acquisition frequencies. Also contains .h5 files with all ultrasonic waveforms (active surveys and acoustic emissions). Dataset complementary to dataset ID165485 . Contains all data necessary to evaluate the results presented in the paper entitled: 'Rupture and afterslip controlled by spontaneous local fluid flow in crustal rock' by Aben and Brantut, submitted to Geophysical Research Letters, and available at arXiv (arXiv:).

  • This data set contains 119 unwrapped and geocoded inteferograms derived from Cosmo-SkyMed (CSK) SAR scenes aquired over the Northen Main Ethiopian Rift between June 2014 and December 2015. This data set also contains displacement time series derived from processed CSK and Sentinel-1 inteferograms at the locations specified in the accompanying README files

  • The RiftVolc microgravity network was comprised of a total of 4 benchmarks including a reference benchmark. Benchmark locations, observed gravity changes, dg14 -16, from 2014-2016, corresponding vertical deformation, Uz, free-air effect, and resultant residual gravity changes gr of the microgravity and GNSS network at Corbetti.

  • This data set contains a set of 20,740 unwrapped, geocoded interferograms derived from Sentinel-1 InSAR scenes processed over 63 volcanoes within the East African Rift system. A full description of the dataset is provided in the accompanying READMe file. This data set was first published in Albino, F. & Biggs, J. (2020). Magmatic processes in the east African rift system: Insights from a 2015-2020 Sentinel-1 InSAR survey, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.