Cosmogenic nuclides
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This dataset consists of measurements of cosmogenic 10Be in quartz from a set of erratic cobbles collected from the surfaces of nunataks in West Antarctica. The cobbles were collected during the 2019-20 Antarctic field season from the Hudson Mountains, which are situated adjacent to Pine Island Glacier. The dataset includes cosmogenic nuclide (10Be) exposure ages and all field (sample locations and elevations) and analytical laboratory (quartz and beryllium carrier masses, Be-10/Be-9 ratios) data for field samples and procedural blanks required to calculate the ages. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC: Grants NE/S006710/1, NE/S006753/1, and NE/S00663X/1) and National Science Foundation (NSF: Grant OPP 2317097). Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) Centre for Accelerator Science award AP12872, through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).