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  • The University of Leeds Sodar 2 dataset contains measurements of the scattering of sound waves by atmospheric turbulence at Alice Holt, Hampshire over the period from the 22nd of June 2005 to the 22nd of August 2005. The dataset contains measurements of wind speed at various heights above the ground, and the thermodynamic structure of the lower layer of the atmosphere.

  • The University of Salford Doppler lidar data describes parameters measured by the UFAM (UK Universities Facilities for Atmospheric Measurements) Doppler lidar system, which is operated and maintained by the University of Salford. The data were collected at Faccombe wind turbine field site, Hampshire and collected data in July 2004. The dataset contains measurements of Doppler radial velocities.

  • The University of Leeds automatic weather station (AWS) data describe meteorological measurements taken by 16 AWSs across the UK on the 6th of June 2005. All data were sampled at 3 second intervals. The dataset contains measurements of wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, surface pressure, and relative humidity.

  • The data were collected by radiosonde at Reading by Convective Storm Initiation Project (CSIP) participants at the University of Reading between the 16th of June 2005 and the 25th of August 2005. Data include measurements of air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and air pressure.

  • The University of Manchester radiosonde data contain measurements collected by a UFAM (Universities' Facility for Atmospheric Measurement) radiosonde at Swanage, Dorset, from the 19th of June 2005 to the 25th of August 2005. The dataset contains measurements of air temperature, air pressure, wind speed and wind direction, and relative humidity.

  • The University of Salford sonic anemometer 1 data describe observations taken by a 7 meter sonic anemometer at Faccombe wind turbine field site, Hampshire. The dataset contains measurements of wind speed collected from 21st July 2005 until 26th August 2005. The dataset contains measurements of the following parameters: Latitude; the latitude of the sonic anemometer (degrees north) Longitude; the longitude of the sonic anemometer (degrees east) Altitude; the altitude of the sonic anemometer base above mean sea level (m) Height ; the height of the sonic anemometer head above ground level (m) Measurement rate; the measurement rate of the sonic anemometer, set at either 1 or 10 Hz Sonic Orientation; the orientation of the sonic coordinate system, clockwise, to convert from sonic to meteorological coordinates (degrees) Time; time in seconds from midnight UTC for each measurement (s) X wind; the wind speed along the orthogonal x direction (m s-1) Y wind; the wind speed along the orthogonal y direction (m s-1) Upperward air velocity; the wind speed along the orthogonal z direction (m s-1) Sonic virtual temperature; the sonic virtual temperature, average between the three non orthogonal sonic axes, related to the speed of sound (K) The sonic anemometer is a Campbell Scientific CSAT3 using a CR5000 datalogger. The 7 m sonic was mounted on a Clark QTM mast.

  • The University of Salford sonic anemometer 2 data describe observations taken by a 7 meter sonic anemometer at Faccombe wind turbine field site, Hampshire. The dataset contains measurements of wind speed collected from 21st July 2005 until 26th August 2005. The dataset contains measurements of the following parameters: Latitude; the latitude of the sonic anemometer (degrees north) Longitude; the longitude of the sonic anemometer (degrees east) Altitude; the altitude of the sonic anemometer base above mean sea level (m) Height ; the height of the sonic anemometer head above ground level (m) Measurement rate; the measurement rate of the sonic anemometer, set at either 1 or 10 Hz Sonic Orientation; the orientation of the sonic coordinate system, clockwise, to convert from sonic to meteorological coordinates (degrees) Time; time in seconds from midnight UTC for each measurement (s) X wind; the wind speed along the orthogonal x direction (m s-1) Y wind; the wind speed along the orthogonal y direction (m s-1) Upperward air velocity; the wind speed along the orthogonal z direction (m s-1) Sonic virtual temperature; the sonic virtual temperature, average between the three non orthogonal sonic axes, related to the speed of sound (K) The sonic anemometer is a Campbell Scientific CSAT3 using a CR5000 datalogger. The 7 m sonic was mounted on a Clark QTM mast.

  • The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Forecast Charts are images that display type and amount of cloud, and mean seal level pressure with 12 hour accumulated precipitation measurements. The measurements are taken worldwide. The charts in this dataset are from 1st of June 2005 until the 9th of September 2005.

  • The dataset contains images of the UFAM (Universites' Facility for Atmospheric Measurements) 1290MHz wind-profiler site at Linkenholt, Hampshire from the 11th June 2005 to the 31st of August 2005. NOTE: From 11/06/2005 to 16/06/2005 the timestamp in the picture is GMT from 18/07/2005 to 31/08/2005 the timestamp is BST. The camera was facing South in a trailer next to the UFAM 1290MHz wind profiler. The camera was a Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000 webcam. Its data availability was patchy at first, but it provided continuous imagery during July and August at 30 s sampling.

  • The University of Salford automatic weather station data describe observations made every 5 seconds with the data stored every one minute and 10 minutes at Faccombe wind turbine field site, Hampshire, form the 3rd of June 2005 until the 26th of August 2005.. The dataset contains measurements of the following parameters: Average air temperature Average dew point (measured from 11:54 BST 22nd June 2005) Average relative humidity Average net radiation Average wind speed Maximum wind speed Time of maximum wind speed Total rainfall Average pressure Average wind direction Minimum wind direction Maximum wind direction Average battery Two jpeg images files have been produced from the AWS data for each day from 3rd June 2005 (start of CSIP field project) until 26th August 2005 (end of CSIP field project). There are two image files, the first image file listed below contains plots of the windspeed, pressure and rainfall with time for a particular day. The second image file contains air temperature, relative humidity and net radiation plots with time for a particular day. The weather station consists of a Campbell Scientific 2 m tripod with a CR10X datalogger. Weather station sensors include a MP100A temperature and relative humidity probe, a A100L2 low power anemometer, a W200P potentiometer wind vane, a NR-Lite Net Radiometer, a RPT410F barometric pressure sensor and a ARG100 Tipping bucket rain gauge.