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  • The University of Leeds automatic weather station (AWS) data describe meteorological measurements taken by 16 AWSs across the UK on the 6th of June 2005. All data were sampled at 3 second intervals. The dataset contains measurements of wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, surface pressure, and relative humidity.

  • HYREX (Hydrological Radar Experiment) was a NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) special topic running from May 1993 to April 1997. Field experiments with an emphasis on radar, plus related interpretation and modelling, were carried out to investigate the short term forecasting and hydrological implications of precipitation. A special purpose-built dense rainguage network was established in Somerset as part of the project. Rainguage, radar and related meteorological data plus forecast data from the Met Office Unified Model are available through BADC.

  • The African Easterly Jet (AEJ) is part of a climatic system which is of critical importance to African and global weather and climate, but is poorly observed and not well represented in model analyses. For the JET2000 project the Met Office Met Research flight (MRF) aircraft performed four flights, involving transects along and across the jet and the baroclinic zone, to make observations of unprecedented resolution for this part of the world. 110 dropsondes were dropped along the fight path. The data includes detailed synoptic observations of the basic state over mainland West Africa, and detailed synoptic observations of the African Easterly Waves (AEW) over mainland tropical West Africa.

  • Fennec -The Saharan Climate System was a NERC consortium project 2010-2012 lead by the University of Oxford and involving the Universities of Leeds, Reading, Sussex and the Met Office. The aim of Fennec was to quantify and model boundary layer and aerosol processes over the Saharan 'heat low' region, the greatest dust region during summer. This is the most ambitious project ever to observe the Saharan climate system and the role of dust aerosols. This collection includes surface measurements from eight automatic weather station (AWS) installed across the Sahara - four of which were installed in remote locations in the central desert where no previous meteorological observations had previously existed - and an aircraft field campaign with the FAAM BAe-146.

  • The DIAMET project aimed to better the understanding and prediction of mesoscale structures in synoptic-scale storms. Such structures include fronts, rain bands, secondary cyclones, sting jets etc, and are important because much of the extreme weather we experience (e.g. strong winds, heavy rain) comes from such regions. Weather forecasting models are able to capture some of this activity correctly, but there is much still to learn. By a combination of measurements and modelling, mainly using the Met Office Unified Model (UM), the project worked to better understand how mesoscale processes in cyclones give rise to severe weather and how they can be better represented in models and better forecast. This dataset contains minute resolution meteorological measurements by the Met Office Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) during the DIAMET intensive observation campaigns.

  • Temperature, pressure, wind speed and wind direction from two automatic weather stations on the Brunt Ice Shelf that operated during 2015.

  • Data were collected under the NERC funded project - Fennec -The Saharan Climate System. The project was lead by the University of Oxford and involved the Universities of Leeds, Reading, Sussex and the UK Met Office. Fennec investigated the Saharan climate system and the role of dust aerosols, involving a unique surface and aircraft field campaign with the FAAM BAe-146. Various meteorological variables were collected at 3 min 20 second intervals, between 2011 and 2013 at 8 Automatic Weather Stations. Parameters include: 1m pressure, 3 min 20 sec mean 2m windspeed (sonic and cup anemometers), number of windspeeds sampled, variance of windspeed in sample, skew of windspeed in sample, 2m relative humidity, 2 temperature, soil temperature (2 depths), ground flux, shortwave radiation up and down, longwave radiation up and down. Specific station locations are stated both in the data files and the CEDA platform record. One station had to be moved after the first year, hence there are 9 station locations listed. Due to harsh environmental conditions a number of the AWS stopped operating after deployment. Additional information regarding instrument issues and missing data can be found in a PDF on the CEDA archive.