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  • Fault lubrication during earthquake propagation in thermally unstable rocks in Central Italy Fieldwork pictures Fucino Basin Fault system: Castel di Monte fault Parasano fault Rocca Casale fault Venere fault Fieldwork pictures L’Aquila Fault System: Assergi fault Bitumen quarry Campo Imperatore Magnola fault Panoramic view Pettino fault Piani di pezza fault Vado di Corno fault Raw data from friction experiments. Links to associated papers:

  • Data has been recorded during triaxial rock deformation experiments where Lanhelin granite samples were subjected to dynamic and half-controlled shear failure. The data consists of mechanical data (load, displacement, confining pressure, strain gauge data), ultrasonic data (AE source locations and arrival times, sensor locations, arrival times of active acoustic surveys), and scanning electron microscope images of the samples after shear failure. Dataset contains all data necessary to evaluate the results presented in the paper entitled: 'Off-fault damage characterisation during and after experimental quasi-static and dynamic rupture in crystal rock from laboratory P-wave tomography and microstructures' by Aben, Brantut, and Mitchell, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.