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  • Broadband seismic data recorded at Fernandina volcano, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, from December 2022 to November 2023. The data cover a period of epsiodic shallow magma accummulation and associated earthquakes.

  • Broadband seismic data collected as part of the Macquarie Ridge experiment from 2020-2021. OBSs were deployed around Macquarie Island, while terrestrial stations were deployed on Macquaire Island itself. The data sources are as follows: (1) 3-component broadband data from 10 IGGCAS stations with 60s corner period, plus hydrophone data. (2) 3-component broadband data from 5 Guralp Libre stations with 60s corner period, plus hydrophone data. (3) 3-component broadband data from 5 Guralp Certimus stations located on Macquarie Island. Four instruments only recorded for ~2 months, while the remaining instrument managed about 8 months of recording. Further details on the experiment can be found in Tkalčić, H., C. Eakin, M. F. Coffin, N. Rawlinson, and J. Stock (2021), Deploying a submarine seismic observatory in the Furious Fifties, Eos, 102,