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The Nirex Digital Geoscience Database (NDGD) holds extensive sets of data describing geoscientific, geographical, hydrogeological and logistical aspects of the Sellafield area in western Cumbria region. Some datasets comprise unmodified field data (as collected, measured or observed in the field). Others include values assessed during laboratory analysis or testing. Derived or interpolated information, resulting from modelling activity or the integration of several datasets, also accounts for a significant portion of the NDGD holding. The data consists of mainly borehole derived information including Borehole location and survey information, Sample location information, Logistics, Geological, geophysical (including borehole geophysical logs) and geotechnical borehole Geology datasets and Hydrological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical borehole datasets (though information from the down-hole monitoring strings and most groundwater related information is not held in the NDGD). The NDGD holds all of the raw and processed digital data arising from the Nirex (Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive) Sellafield Geological investigations boreholes drilled during their investigation programme into the suitability of Sellafield as a site for the disposal of intermediate and long-lived low level radioactive waste between 1989 and 1997. The ownership of Nirex (Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive) was transferred from the nuclear industry to the UK Government departments DEFRA and DTI in April 2005, and then to the UK's Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) in November 2006.
This dataset is an index of the Survey Collection of fossils for Scotland and Northern England. It is the digital equivalent of the analogue (card) index. The latter contains some 31k records, c.70% of which has been transcribed. The continually growing Survey Collection comprises about 450k samples (including nearly 30k specimens from the John Smith Collection) which are individually registered in c.150 leather bound volumes. The Oracle relational database BGS_FOSSLOC is a first step in ascertaining what registered fossil materials exist for certain areas, who collected them and when, their geographical and stratigraphical details, the type of collection (whether from boreholes or exposures), and any covering technical reports. It is also a pathway to an extensive and unique collection of paper graphic logs, some 18k of which record annotated information on fossil occurrences and assemblages at certain stratigraphical levels (particularly in the Carboniferous) in Scotland and Northern England.