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  • Old card index of quarries in England, Wales and Scotland dating mostly from 1939 to 1963: about 7000 cards, each referring to one quarry. England & Wales cards are arranged by BGS 1-inch (now 50k scale) geological sheet, Scottish cards by county. At best, cards indicate county, geol-sheet, rock type, name, grid reference, locality, owner, date of record and cross references to BGS samples.

  • The collection consists of records of enquiries answered by the Land Survey from c.1939 to 1970, with a small number of earlier records. Pre c.1960 files relate mainly to economic mineral enquiries while files after that year relate increasingly to enquiries on geological site conditions. Enquiry records of former Leeds and Newcastle offices, relevant to UK(North), are held for c.1950 to 1992. Edinburgh Office enquiry files dated up to 1970 have been reviewed for retention/destruction and those of continuing informational or historical value have been retained as archives. Post 1970 files are confidential to BGS staff. Indexed on Land Survey Record Index (LSRI). Edinburgh enquiry files are referenced EE, (ex-Newcastle Office enquiries, EN). Covers Scotland and Northern England with concentrations in urban ares. All non-confidential data held by NGRC(North) is available to users.