R code for fitting a transmission model of bovine tuberculosis to a population of wild badgers
This resource provides code to fit a transmission model of bovine tuberculosis spread to a population of wild badgers in Woodchester Park in the UK. The code produces Markov chain Monte Carlo samples from a model fitted to individual-level badger data from Woodchester Park. The badger data came from and can be requested from the Animal and Plant Health Agency. Example outputs are provided in the Supporting Information. This code was developed as part of a Natural Environment Research Council funded grant (number NE/V000616/1). Full details about this application can be found at
- Date (Publication)
- 2024-03-25
- Identifier
- doi: / 10.5285/fe0f6bd7-ffd2-4e21-8c84-493cf4f3080d
- Other citation details
- Konzen, E., Delahay, R.J., Hodgson, D.J., McDonald, R.A., Brooks Pollock, E., Spencer, S., McKinley, T.J. (2024). R code for fitting a transmission model of bovine tuberculosis to a population of wild badgers. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre 10.5285/fe0f6bd7-ffd2-4e21-8c84-493cf4f3080d
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- Environmental Monitoring Facilities
- Access constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Registration is required to access this data
- Use constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- This resource is made available under the terms of the GPL-3.0 Licence
- Use constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- If you reuse this data, you should cite: Konzen, E., Delahay, R.J., Hodgson, D.J., McDonald, R.A., Brooks Pollock, E., Spencer, S., McKinley, T.J. (2024). R code for fitting a transmission model of bovine tuberculosis to a population of wild badgers. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre https://doi.org/10.5285/fe0f6bd7-ffd2-4e21-8c84-493cf4f3080d
- Metadata language
- EnglishEnglish
- Character set
- utf8 UTF8
- Topic category
- Biota
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
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- OnLine resource
Supporting information
Supporting information available to assist in re-use of this dataset
- Hierarchy level
- application application
- Other
- application
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Statement
- The code was developed and tested in R over a two-year project. Careful checks on the fitted model outputs against the observed data were done in order to assess the efficacy of the code and the models developed. These are all shown in the Supporting Information.
- File identifier
- fe0f6bd7-ffd2-4e21-8c84-493cf4f3080d XML
- Metadata language
- EnglishEnglish
- Character set
- ISO/IEC 8859-1 (also known as Latin 1) 8859 Part 1
- Hierarchy level
- application application
- Hierarchy level name
- application
- Date stamp
- 2024-11-06T14:56:59
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
- 2.3
Point of contact
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
Lancaster Environment Centre, Library Avenue, Bailrigg
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