Raw acoustic data collected by an EK60 echo sounder in the Southern Ocean on board the RRS James Clark Ross cruise JR179 (Feb - Apr 2008)
Acoustic backscatter data were collected on board the RRS James Clark Ross (cruise JR179) as part of the BIOFLAME-BIOPEARL programme.
Data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. Data were collected throughout the cruise which ran through the Drake Passage, Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea in the Southern Ocean, from February to April 2008. The raw data files (Simrad .raw format) are held by the Polar Data Centre (PDC) at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).
The JR179 EK60 processed data is now available at https://doi.org/10.5285/ecc51062-1338-445e-bd3c-2e63487d1953.
- Alternate title
- Polar Data Centre (PDC) record GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00816
- Date (Publication)
- 2022-01-21
- Identifier
- http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/dms/metadata.php?id= / GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00816
- Maintenance and update frequency
- unknown Unknown
- Keywords
- NDGO0001
- NERC OAI Harvesting
- BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary
- Acoustic backscatter in the water column
- GCMD Parameter Valids
- EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Marine Biology > Fish
- EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Marine Biology > Marine Invertebrates
- EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Acoustics > Acoustic Frequency
- EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Acoustics > Acoustic Scattering
- BAS Free-text keywords
- Southern Ocean
- acoustic backscatter
- echo-sounding
- Use limitation
- NERC-funded data supplied under OGL v.3: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/
- Access constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- NERC-funded data supplied under OGL v.3: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/
- Metadata language
- EnglishEnglish
- Topic category
- Biota
- Oceans
- Begin date
- 2008-02-25
- End date
- 2008-04-10
- Reference system identifier
- OGP / urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
- Distribution format
- Hierarchy level
- dataset Dataset
Domain consistency
- Measure identification
- INSPIRE / Conformity_001
Conformance result
- Date
- Explanation
- See the referenced specification
- Pass
- No
- Statement
- No special comments
- File identifier
- Metadata language
- EnglishEnglish
- Hierarchy level
- dataset Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2022-01-21
- Metadata standard name
- NERC profile of ISO19115:2003
- Metadata standard version
- 1.0