Interest features and linked critical load/level values for UK protected sites
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- Metadata Language
- English (en)
- Character set
- utf8
- Dataset Reference Date ()
- 2017-08-18
- Dataset Reference Date ()
- 2017-06-01
- Identifier
- doi: / 10.5285/0c04050d-ed79-4864-a164-5eb25f8c6ebd
- Other citation details
- Bealey, W.J., Roberts, E.M. (2017). Interest features and linked critical load/level values for UK protected sites. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre 10.5285/0c04050d-ed79-4864-a164-5eb25f8c6ebd
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ()
- Protected Sites
- Limitations on Public Access
- otherRestrictions
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- no limitations
- Use constraints
- otherRestrictions
- Use constraints
- otherRestrictions
- Other constraints
- © UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Natural Resources Wales, Environment Agency, the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Natural England, the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (SNIFFER), the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)
- Use constraints
- otherRestrictions
- Other constraints
- If you reuse this data, you should cite: Bealey, W.J., Roberts, E.M. (2017). Interest features and linked critical load/level values for UK protected sites. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre
- Spatial representation type
- textTable
- Topic category
- Environment
- Code
- WGS 84
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- Data format
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Comma-separated values (CSV)
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- Quality Scope
- dataset
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- Dataset Reference Date ()
- 2010-12-08
- Statement
- Critical loads and levels have been applied to interest features across the designated network (SAC, SPA, and SSSI for England only) where a suitable match can be made. Critical load and level values are set out in the 'Manual on methodologies and criteria for Modelling and Mapping Critical Loads & Levels and Air Pollution Effects, Risks and Trends (CLRTAP, 2004 to 2016). Matching relevant critical loads and levels for interest features (habitats) have been made using the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) classification and broad habitats under the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). Empirical critical loads for nutrient nitrogen are assigned to a habitat using habitat correspondence tables to determine the relationship between the EUNIS classes for which nitrogen critical loads are set and the interest features. Justifications were provided for each match between an interest feature and its relevant critical load. Critical loads of acidity are based on soil and habitat types and were based on six Broad Habitats; acid grassland, calcareous grassland, dwarf shrub heath, bogs, montane, unmanaged coniferous and broadleaved woodland (UK Biodiversity Action Plan, 1994). For species relevant critical loads were applied to the specie's habitat and not the species itself. For example, for SPA bird features an assessment was made on the sensitivity of the habitat and how that would that affect the viability of the breeding, feeding or roosting of that species. Critical level values are not habitat specific, but have been set to cover broad vegetation types (e.g. forest arable, semi-natural), often with critical values set for sensitive lichens and bryophytes as in the case of ammonia. Linkages were made between habitat and species where possible to provide site relevant critical levels for ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide. This work falls under the Air Pollution Information System (APIS) and is jointly funded between the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the UK pollution and conservation agencies including Natural Resources Wales (NRW), the Environment Agency, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Natural England, the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (SNIFFER), the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).
- File identifier
- 0c04050d-ed79-4864-a164-5eb25f8c6ebd XML
- Metadata Language
- English (en)
- Character set
- ISO/IEC 8859-1 (also known as Latin 1)
- Resource type
- dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- dataset
- Metadata Date
- 2024-02-27T16:17:02
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
- 2.3